Ceramic Braces Birmingham

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Ceramic Braces Cost UK   

How Do Ceramic Braces Work?

White Ceramic Braces 

Ceramic Braces Pros & Cons 

Metal vs Ceramic Braces

Ceramic Braces FAQ’s 

Patients of all ages, adults and children, opt for ceramic braces as their teeth straightening treatment. The tooth coloured material used to secure the braces to your teeth, make them a discreet option. This is perfect for anyone who is worried about the appearance of traditional braces during their treatment.

Ceramic Braces Cost UK

The cost of your ceramic brace treatment will vary depending on the severity of your individual case. We recommend booking an appointment so that your orthodontist can review your teeth. Here they can provide you with a treatment time scale and cost breakdown. At Central Orthodontics, we have instalment plans available to help you fund the cost of your treatment.

How Do Ceramic Braces Work?

The traditional method of orthodontic treatment is still in use today. This method uses brackets and archwires to move teeth into the desired position. However, orthodontic technology has advanced and now provides patients with more visually discreet options, such as ceramic braces.  Ceramic braces are fitted to the front of your teeth using clear ceramic blocks and a thin metal wire. Ceramic braces offer the perfect compromise between metal braces and lingual braces.

Ceramic braces work just like traditional braces. It is important to be aware that this method of orthodontic treatment can be more expensive than more traditional methods used. This is due to the material used to secure the braces to the teeth.

White Ceramic Braces 

Ceramic braces use a tooth coloured material to attach the wire of the brace to the teeth. This makes the brackets of the brace white and appearance more discreet. This is the perfect treatment for any patient who is worried about the appearance of traditional braces during their treatment process. Ceramic braces are also ideal for patients who are not suitable for Invisalign aligners. It is important to note that due to ceramic brackets being more fragile, treatment time can be longer but the results are always worth waiting for.

Ceramic Braces Pros & Cons 

Clear ceramic braces blend into the natural colour of your teeth. They have a number of benefits for patients such as

  • Ceramic braces use a tooth coloured material, making them a discreet treatment option.
  • More aesthetically pleasing than traditional braces.
  • Comfortable to wear. Ceramic braces are known to cause less irritation to the gums than traditional metal braces.
  • Based on the traditional orthodontic method meaning they are an effective teeth straightening treatment.
  • The material used won’t stain over time. This means your braces will remain discreet in appearance for the entire course of your treatment.

Due to the fragility of the material used for ceramic braces, treatment time can take longer than other orthodontic methods. However, it is worth the wait for the results, especially if you can still enjoy feeling confident and comfortable during your treatment. Ceramic braces are also more costly than other orthodontic methods, again due to the material they use.

Metal vs Ceramic Braces 

Ceramic braces are a much more discreet and aesthetically pleasing teeth straightening treatment than metal braces. Ceramic braces use a tooth coloured material to secure the brace to the teeth, whereas metal braces use metal brackets. The materials used for ceramic braces are much more comfortable during wear as they won’t irritate your gums or the side of your mouth. Due to the material they use, ceramic braces are often more expensive than metal ones. They are also more fragile and this can sometimes make treatment times longer than with traditional methods.

Ceramic Braces FAQ’s 

What Are Ceramic Braces? 

Ceramic braces are made using clear, ceramic brackets which are fixed to the front of the teeth. They look similar to metal braces, except the brackets are smaller and made of tooth coloured material.

Do Ceramic Braces Stain? 

The brackets themselves will not stain. However, the clear bands used to connect the archwire to the brackets can become stained by food or drink. These bands are usually replaced every few weeks, so if they do become stained, you can simply ask for them to be changed at your next appointment.

Can Anyone Get Ceramic Braces? 

Ceramic braces are better for adults and teens who can pay attention and be careful of what they eat and drink during their treatment. Children often have a hard time keeping the braces clear and discreet. Ceramic braces are a highly popular treatment option for adults who want to straighten their teeth, without worrying about the appearance of traditional braces. It is always best to book a consultation before going ahead with your treatment. This way your orthodontist can advise you on whether or not ceramic braces are a suitable treatment option for your desired results.

Do They Cost More? 

Ceramic braces are more expensive than the traditional metal braces. This is due to the materials used during this treatment.

Do Ceramic Braces Take Longer Than Metal Braces? 

Ceramic braces can sometimes have a longer treatment time compared to metal braces due to the fragility of the materials used.


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